TALS Holds Last Board Meeting of 2013
The Tennessee Alliance for Legal Services (TALS) held its last business meeting of the 2013 calendar year on Tuesday, December 10, 2013. Board members from across Tennessee braved the snowy conditions in Nashville to help the TALS staff begin closing out the 2013 business year and start planning for 2014.
TALS board members heard board spotlights on two of the organizations represented on the TALS Board - the Tennessee Bar Foundation and the Volunteer Lawyers and Professionals for the Arts. The board accepted financials, approved a 2014 agency budget and elected new officers among other activites. TALS Executive Director Ann Pruitt thanks board members whose terms were completed for the generous gifts of their leadership and time during their tenure as board members.
TALS will welcome new and returning board members at the first meeting of 2014 in March. For more information about the TALS Board of Directors, contact TALS Executive Director Ann Pruitt.