Upcoming CLE Trainings

TALS provides continuing legal education (CLE) training sessions throughout the year to help meet our mission of educating advocates about civil legal issues.
At this time, there are no upcoming trainings.
CLE Faculty Guide
The Tennessee Bar Association provides several resources for those providing CLE training. Visit the CLE Faculty Guide to see these useful resources.
About TALS' Training Sessions
A primary service offered by TALS includes training opportunities for attorneys, paralegals, and advocates within the legal services arena. Each year the organization holds multiple CLE trainings on various issues of substantive law, advocacy strategy, and administrative issues. The topics are chosen by the TALS task forces, representing the following areas:
Employment Law
Family Law
Immigration Law
Special Education / Juvenile Justice Law
Health / Benefits / DCS Law
Housing / Consumer Law
These trainings are generally a partial or full day in duration, and are often available through our online training software for viewing after the event. Some events are also simulcast on the Internet for viewing during the training. For additional information about upcoming or previous trainings, please contact TALS Executive Director Laura Brown.
All trainings are at TALS' office (50 Vantage Way, Suite 250, Nashville, TN 37228) unless otherwise indicated. Lunches are provided with training fees, as applicable. Parking at TALS is free in all lots touching the 50 Vantage Way parking lot. All posted times are central standard time.