About TALS

What is TALS?
The Tennessee Alliance for Legal Services (TALS) is a statewide nonprofit organization committed to:
- Empowering its constituencies, especially those in need
- Providing visionary and effective leadership
- Serving the public interest by improving access to civil legal assistance
- Promoting and modeling diversity and inclusiveness
- Advocating for justice for those in need
- Advancing collaboration and building consensus among providers of legal services for the common good
Our Vision
Equal Access to Justice in Tennessee
Our Mission
TALS strengthens the delivery of civil legal help to vulnerable Tennesseans. We do this by:
- Simplifying the search for civil legal help
- Being a leading and unifying voice
- Establishing a center for innovation, training, and expertise
Who We Serve
Facts about Tennesseans with low-income who are served by legal aid services:
- 6 out of 10 households who experienced at least one civil legal problem took some action to resolve the problem.
- Problems with medical bills or health insurance was the most frequently reported problem in 2014
- Affording a place live was the most frequently reported civil legal problem for respondents under 30 years old
- 60% of people reported having access to the internet
Report from the Statewide Comprehensive Legal Needs Survey for 2014, UT SWORPS.
Board of Directors
The TALS' board of directors comprises a broad spectrum of individuals throughout the legal community. The board has included representatives from various Tennessee bar associations, the Tennessee Bar Foundation, federally-funded legal aid organizations, other public interest organizations, law schools, legal clinics, and the private bar.
Click here to see the TALS Board of Directors
The TALS staff provides coordination, support, advocacy, training opportunities, communications, resource development and other services to implement the mission and priorities of the alliance. See staff contact information below.
Click here to meet the TALS staff.
TALS' Office is located in the metro-center area of Nashville, Tennessee. Our office does not provide legal representation, so we do not see clients on-site. All others may call to make an appointment during office hours.
Office Hours
Monday through Friday: 8:30am - 4:30pm
Due to our small staff size, please make an appointment directly with the staff member with whom you wish to meet.
Tennessee Alliance for Legal Services
50 Vantage Way, Suite 250
Nashville, TN 37228
Phone, Fax, & Agency Email
Phone: 615-627-0956 | Fax: 615-627-0964 | Free Legal Helpline: 1-844-HELP4TN
Historical Overview
TALS continues to be a leader in the access the justice community. TALS drives change and improvement in legal services delivery by leveraging partnerships – new and old.
Access to Justice Awards
Each year at the annual Equal Justice University conference, TALS presents three awards to individuals from Tennessee's equal justice community.